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Oracle Cloud generally simplifies your life. It includes optimized financial procedures, the most advanced HR data compilation sets on the market, and all your business requirements in one application.

However, quarterly patch updates occur. Oracle becomes complex four times a year. 

New features, functionalities, and security enhancements are offered throughout your ecosystem by these versions. To ensure that the modifications don’t interfere with your business operations, you must test each of those changes.

Additionally, there is only a short window of two weeks to test any upgrade, as you are aware if you have already tested these. There is an improved method. We’ve streamlined these Oracle Cloud ERP quarterly updates using a method we’ve established by working with hundreds of businesses, saving time, money, and effort. With test automation, updates that took weeks may be validated in just three days. Your Plan for a Trouble-Free Oracle Cloud Patch Update 

1. Examine an advisory paper to understand the upcoming modifications

To ensure that your testing method is appropriate, you must be aware of impending changes. Additionally, it guarantees that business continuity won’t be impacted. Opkey scans through hundreds of pages of Oracle notes to provide you with the most pertinent data.

2. Use the prior version as a baseline to determine the testing scope

It is critical to identify which business operations will be the most impacted by the update. The level of customization across your Oracle modules determines the scope of update testing, as well as the quantity and types of additional features your organization intends to include with the new version.

3. Make sure that the test scenarios/scripts have been changed, and that the test data is ready

Examine the materials and revise test strategies. Save custom reports at least two days before the update to avoid having them overwritten.

4. Evaluate the release implications and perform a risk analysis

Make a risk assessment that identifies your apps’ highest-risk locations based on the release’s effects. You should prioritize testing in these high-risk areas to ensure that no important business operations fail.

5. Test

Testing examines a business process from start to finish, including any integrations and dependencies with other systems. Because most Oracle environments are heavily integrated with other applications and technologies, it is critical that APIs and connections be tested. Even if the Oracle application continues to function properly after an update, one of its integrations may have broken.

How do you perform those suggestions in record time? You’ll need modern technology that generates AI-powered tests and eliminates the time-consuming task of performing things manually. Opkey’s no-code testing platform saves manual testing labor by an average of 80% and enables anybody on your team to write and automate tests with a single click. Furthermore, with Opkey’s Impact Analysis, your firm can determine which changes will affect which areas of the environment. 

Opkey clients are lowering certification times from weeks to just three days. Provides over 7,000 pre-built test cases for Oracle Cloud that can be used immediately in your ecosystem.