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Businesses have had to navigate through some very uncertain waters over the past two years. Lockdowns forced businesses to close their doors. Customers looked for online alternatives so they could stay at home and avoid going to stores. Businesses struggled to keep up with the new normal and now, as things are slowly beginning to open up again, that normal is changing once more and businesses have to learn to adapt.

Some are struggling more than others and that’s exactly what we’re going to focus on in this article as we explore things that successful businesses have in common in 2022. 

They have a mission

Mission statements are important because they keep everyone on the same page and focused on the company’s goals. If you want to become a digital marketing entrepreneur, your mission will be wildly different than that of someone aiming to open a pat day care. A well-crafted mission statement can help employees make better decisions and stay motivated, especially during tough times like we’re experiencing. It also helps customers understand what the company is all about and what they can expect from its products or services. This is now more important than ever before as companies are doing what they can to stand out in the marketplace. 

They are innovative

In order for businesses to stay afloat in this competitive world in 2022, they need to be innovative. With technology rapidly evolving and the economic climate changing, companies that don’t keep up will quickly fall behind. In order to come up with new ideas, businesses need to have a creative culture and be willing to experiment. They also need to embrace change and be open to new ways of doing things. Not only is this essential for a business to thrive, but it’s also essential for survival. 

Let’s take two companies that operate in the transport and logistics industry as an example. One business utilizes fleet management software. It features tachograph analysis that measures and monitors how their drivers are performing in their day-to-day driving and work duties. They use this data to increase safety levels, optimize routes, reduce fuel costs, and improve customer service. Now let’s look at the other business. 

They don’t use fleet management software and all tracking and reporting is done manually. There is no system in place to ensure drivers are taking their proper breaks. There is no GPS system fitted to track location and optimize routes. An extra person is required in the office to collect and sort through all the data and customers have no way to track their orders. From the two, which company would you like to do business with? 

They have a plan

Having a business plan is essential but it’s not about creating a cookie cutter document to show to potential investors anymore. The economic climate is unpredictable, and the future is looking like a bit of a blur as we enter unprecedented times. Is inflation going to continue to rise? If yes, do you have a plan for how you’re going to combat the effects of it? Are we going revert to a work-from-home climate? If so, do you have a system in place where your employees can work remotely? If sales begin to decline, what are you going to do to increase your revenue? It is critical to remember that failing is essential to success so even a hiccup here and there can still result in a successful business. These are all questions you need to ask yourself as it’s the businesses that have an in-depth plan for all eventualities that will survive.